DB2 Express-C as a VMware Image

Wow. how did I let this one slide? I just noticed on the Logemann Blog, that not only did we make DB2 Express free, but we’re also providing a pre-build VMware image. Now that there’s a free VMware Player and Server available for download, this is a completely free way to run a virtualized environment using nothing but free software.

And now the fun part. IBM is providing the database not only as standard installer package but also as VMWare virtual disk image. Together with a Suse Linux Image its only a matter of minutes to have a running installation.

Not so long ago, this same setup would have cost you $1,500 and DB2 Express would have set you back $5,000 (processor license). And in a matter of a month, you now get these enterprise grade products for $0. Wow! Thank you opensource and virtualization for reducing the cost of computing!

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!