Visiting my referrers

Every once in a while, I’ll check my stats for the and in particular who hits the Life in Technical Sales blog. By the way, I’ve found a great little plugin for WordPress 2.0.x called ShortStat. It adds a sub-menu on your dashboard and provides all the details you would expect, even splitting RSS requests from true web hits.

But since I’ve just installed it (literally minutes ago), there aren’t too many results to work with. Instead, I fired up old reliable awstats, and started looking at my referrer logs to figure out where I was quoted (I don’t include curious visitors from comments I leave all over the place), besides the usual spam sites.

Here’s that list. Thanks to all of you!

What… were you expecting more? … this is just a small blog in a sea of information

By the way, I’ve also enabled the RSS widget and now provide you with the most recent bookmarks I’ve added to my unsocial bookmarking service (I use Scuttle on my own server). You can even pick up the RSS feed, if you’re really that nosy 🙂

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