TechSales Wiki Fully Operational

I started inputting content to the TechSales wiki on Sept 16th, and I can say that after two weeks, it’s finally in a state that I like, in terms of presentation, content organization and all. I’ve stumbled a few times as to what I’d put there, but I finally decided to stick to my needs as a Software IT Specialist.

This means that my entries are meant to be concise and to the point, cutting through the fluff of marketing presentations. I can always search for more info, but knowing what a product is really about, and more importantly, how it compares to similar offerings from the IBM portfolio is really what matters to me. So lots of emphasis on product positionning.

For the moment, you’ll find six sections, named Concepts, Keywords, Languages, Middleware, Operating Systems and Software. Over time, I will probably expand the wiki to include a more personal section, based around the development I do for my websites and the applications I’ve released. I’m still wondering how best to present the information, and whether to integrate to the rest of the wiki entries or have them live in a separate silo.

My routine for adding content is very simple. Before, I would often read a document/presentation and find bits of info that I’d like to keep for reference, but didn’t have a good way to categorize/archive them: should I create a Lotus Notes Journal entry, a local text file, a blog entry? Now, I simply refactor the information and fit it in the wiki, where appropriate. So obviously, you can expect a fair deal of Process Integration related information to make its way to the wiki…

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!