Diving in HTML / CSS / PHP goodness

Since I’ve started doing web work recently (both at work and at home), I’ve felt a need to improve my skills on the basics. I’ve been reading an awful lot about HTML, CSS, xHTML, RoR, WYSIWYG Editors vs Text editors and al the other topics that are dear to web designers.

I’ve also found a bunch of great and useful resources discussing web design topics such as hand-coding vs using content management systems (CMS), table layouts vs css layouts, validation concerns, etc. And of course, I’ve peeked at a lot of examples of websites that push the limits in terms of visual creativeness – I’m no where near there, real web designers need not be afraid.

Finally, I’ve also started going into a little more depth with PHP, mostly in the context of extending and/or modifying WordPress drive sites. It’s easier to understand PHP in the WordPress sandbox, I find, than trying to code something from scratch. Maybe that’s just me…

Anyway, it’s true what they say: the more you study, the more you realize you don’t know much (or something like that).

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