Installing WebSphere Integration Developer V6

Well, it’s been rather busy lately with most of my colleagues attending the WebSphere Technical Exchange in Miami. When 60% (3 out of 5) of your team leaves, it makes a BIG difference. While I’ve still got my hands full with the day-to-day stuff (sales requests, RFPs, sizings, dept projects, etc), I still need that hands-on feeling once in a while, especially when it’s software that can run on my Thinkpad…

In this case, I finally decided to take WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) V6 for a spin. Unfortunately for me, my version of Rational Application Developer (RAD) was simply too up to date, and I’ve had to uninstall v6.0.1, so I could reinstall V6.0.0.1. Of course, I could have used the Rational Product Updater to simply roll back my latest updates, but, nooooo…, I decided a few weeks ago that hell, why would I ever want to roll back to a previous version – and deleted the recovery files… Now I know better.

Anyway, RAD has now finished removing RAD, so I can now start the process of reinstall V6, upgrading it to V6.0.0.1, simply so that WID can share the same Eclipse instance and coexist on my system. It’ll be nice when it’s done… sometime tomorrow, probably (WID is 5 disks, and came to me on a 3.8Gb DVD, no less).

Update: as I kickstart the WID installation, it tells me that in order to install the IDE and the WebSphere Process Server test environment, I’ll be needing 4.7Gb of free space. Wow!

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!