Vacation: Finally, some « think-time »

I’m leaving for a short 1-week vacation with my little family, somewhere remote, where I need to ask permission to the cottage owners before using their phone line. Perfect! My board of directors (my wife and I) have voted to focus on playing with the kids in the sand 🙂 It’s also a good time to think back on what worked and what didn’t lately (both at home and at work), look ahead to the possibilities and make some plans for how the next 6 months of the year will look like.

One thing’s for sure, I’m starting my cursos de Espanol next week and that’s a priority to me. Something else I’ll be working on is defining how my home LAN will look like, as we’re moving my home office downstairs, and it’s a perfect time to install that dream-network-with-connectivity-everywhere.

I’m already dreaming of a 19″ enclosure with 1U linux servers, routers, wifi and NAS… but I need to build it on the cheap, so not sure how much I can get given the small budget I want to allocated for this… One thing’s for sure, I’ll be using VMware Server to segment my system into logical systems, dedicated to a few functions only. Oh, and I need to think about backup and UPS… fun fun fun!

I’ve been VERY busy lately, hence the lack of regular posts. It was my crunch time of sorts, with many things coming to an end. Only to be replaced by even more grandiose projects and plans (more on this in a future post). Some quick news: I’ll be travelling at the end of the month to speak at an internal IBM conference on the use of blogs and wikis within the context of manager-employee relationships. If you had any doubt… yes, we do get it in IBM.

I’ll be flying to Salzburg, Austria for the WebSphere Technical Conference in November. I really look forward to this trip. I’ve never been to Austria, but the prospect of visiting places that hold so much history is always fascinating to me (any suggestions of must-see places?)

I’m starting to prepare for an IBM Professional Certification in 2007. This is an internal certification that demands much preparation and professional achievements before being attempted. In the end, a review board decides if you pass or not. In the great words of Yoda: ‘Do or do not… there is not try’

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