Time flies, and so does network storage!

Well, it’s been, what… 2 months since I’ve setup my domain name and got some decent co-located web hosting?

Logging into my vAdmin console to change a few sub-domains today, I’ve noticed that we’ve already used 135Mb of the 1Gb we are allocated. I say we, because I feel the largest reason for that space used must be the photo albums we’ve uploaded to share with family and friends (my wife is the uploader in the family).

At last count, we had close to 400 pictures uploaded across 28 albums!

As for stats, well, after a hiatus while I was away on vacation, my avg # of daily visits is steadily increasing. From an average of 72 visitors per day in June, to 86 in July and now approaching 100!

Webalizer doesn’t break it down by sub-domain, so it’s difficult to say what gets the most readers: this business blog or the family side of arseneault.ca. In any event, I DO know that I’ve got some RSS/Atom subscriber action going on as my top 2 entry pages are respectively /blog/feed and /blog/feed/atom… very happy about that!

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!