IBM Workplace installation

You might think all I do is install software, and no, I actually also do work… But as said before, I find that installing my software helps me understand how it works and answer some of the initial questions our clients ask me in pre-sales situations. Today, I install the IBM Workplace Version 2.6. This is an internal beta and as such, it’s not really meant to support real work.

I’ve always liked the idea of running a managed client, something that I don’t have to keep updated myself, and that links to everything I am on the online world. Workplace is like a personal portal into my work. But whereas portal lives in a browser, IBM Workplace runs uses Rich Client Technology (RCT) which is now available with Eclipse 3.x.

Well, I’m now at 15% completion, so I’ll go do some real work while this downloads in the background. I should have it up and running by lunch, hopefully.

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!