Wiki is down … permanently?

I’d been putting off the update of my MediaWiki-powered TechSales wiki to 1.5.2.

Well, I finally took the plunge yesterday, and with the lack of any clear documentation, proceeded to updated from 1.4.9. I took a backup of my mw_ data in MySQL using PHPMyAdmin, and then simply overwrote everything in my /wiki folder … and BAM! Nothing works anymore…

I know my data is safe, but I’m not sure I wan’t to start troubleshooting where things went wrong. The thing is, I’m not sure I want to spend the time, in light of my ongoing quest to get better ROI on my applications and technology in general, to solve this and get mediawiki working again. Weird? I mean, the wiki was nice, and the content was to the point (simple blurbs on IBM SW, mostly), but, I think it was mostly something I needed to do – to figure out that in the end, I’m not sure I need a wiki in the first place.

Consider this: to an IBMer, a public wiki on IBM stuff means that:

  • It’s public, so it can’t include any of the really useful information I need for my job (since it’s publicly accessible and my info may be IBM confidential)
  • It’s somewhat insecure – I was getting constant SPAM attacks as I couldn’t restrict new users from registering
  • The interface leaves to be desired – I know this powers Wikipedia and all, but frankly, the lack of WYSIWYG and more automatic features was somewhat of a putdown for me. UI counts for a lot in my book.

I’m looking for other cool apps to try out on my domain, but the problem is finding a need. I want something simple, easy to use, dead simple to install/config and actually useful for this in-between role of serving my technical sales purpose…

I’ll keep hunting on sourceforge, I guess…

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