Google Pack : I don’t need most of this stuff anyway

Well, Google finally started putting those corporate affiliations with a bundling that includes the Firefox browser, Norton Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware spyware removal tool and the Adobe Reader. I don’t like that list, except for Firefox.

Frankly, since I mostly removed Google from my life, the only thing is that list I could possibly want is Picasa (I still use it to manage my screenshots/images). The Google Toolbar? That’s so 80’s, c’mon Google, grow up… What more do I need than a little knowledge of commands such as site: and a few bolean operators to make the best use of the search in my browser. As for spyware/virii, I’m behing IBM’s firewalls.

The worst I’ve got on my Thinkpad is email spam, for the few that can make it across our filters. At home, OS X protects me from all that Windows filth. I won’t be downloading Google Pack, that’s for sure.

Update: I use Google Desktop Enterprise, which is packaged internally by IBM for us with additional security measures, another reason I don’t need the Google Pack installer.

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!