WebSphere Technical Journal

Something I’ve always found of great value in helping me keep up to date on our technology is the WebSphere Technical Journal.

This is a monthly web publication from the IBM developerWorks team, that provides a synopsys of the recent articles submitted to dW, as well as some weblinks to current events such as classes, webcasts and downloads.

The September 2005 issues touches High Availability in WAS V6, WebSphere XD Deployment Topologies and Gluecode, our most recent acquisition in the J2EE space.

Something else interesting on the developerWorks site are the continuing series, where they use a pretend business as a basis to use one or multiple products in real-life scenarios. That certainly helps understand what our software does, and more importantly, the business benefits it provides. Each article is only a few pages long (with graphics), just long enough for a sandwich and a beverage, for those of you eating at their desk…

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!