Some more stats for you (interesting … or not)

Seems like everyone shares this at one point or another, so here’s my take. I’m using NetTracker lite to analyze my web logs and I love the fact this free tool can be as granular as I want it too. But it’s nice to see the trends, and since I know you’re a visual bunch (ok, I’m just making this up), here are a few charts.

No surprise here, the usual suspects appear as expected. So you know, the traffic analyzed goes back to June 2005, and the identified RSS Readers represent 70% of the total hits.

As to what’s popular on (since I’ve got many things going on this domain), well it’s the Life in Technical Sales blog, no contest there.

Where does this traffic come from? Mostly North America, as far as I can tell. I do seem to have a following in Czech Republic (maybe A follower is a more exact term) and a few Germans got lost to my site, probably when I blogged from the WebSphere Technical Exchange in Dusseldorf 🙂

When do you read me? Every day it would seem. So much for work/life balance guys! This is mostly a shop talk kinda blog, didn’t expect to see so many reading blogs over the weekend. I know I don’t, but I’ve got small kids, so that might explain…

And at what time does most of the reading happen? Well, it really picks up before lunch (makes sense) and remains steady for the rest of the work day. It’s probably related to the fact I will often post something in mid-morning as I stumble upon my latest discovery or deep thought (not like Jack Handy‘s, no)

Finally, something you’ll rarely see shared on a blog, maybe because it’s so secret, of maybe just plain too boring: my error report. I’ve talked about working to minimize this in the past. I’ve already addressed the top three which accounted for 44.4% of all errors. The rest are small things that I’ll get to over time. But in average now, my error rate is about 1%, which I consider not bad at all. I guess that means I’m offering two 9’s of reliability… oh well, way to go before the elusive five 9’s 😉

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!