New Plugin for RSS Bandit to Scuttle

I’ve been a fan of RSS Bandit for a while, one reason being their ability to consume plugins created to the iBlog specification. Basically, a plugin adds contextual actions when you right-click a blog post in RSS Bandit. I’m currently using a wBloggar plugin that can send any post I’m reading to a new entry, and include the standard html linking you’d expect: excerpt, blockquote, source.

While upgrading to the latest release of RSS Bandit, I was reading the forums and found a new plugin, this time to send whatever blog item you are seeing to But I don’t use, right? So? I installed the plugin and surprise, the target URL is not hard-coded. So I simply changed it to where my Scuttle links reside and bingo, I’m done.

Simply change the URL to end with /api/posts_add (notice the underscore) instead of /api/posts/add. I love extending my programs vs. adding new ones. It’s simpler and fits better in my everyday workflow.

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!