Playing around with e107

I’ve been looking for an alternative to Joomla lately, because, well, I think it’s sorta big, slow and bloated. There, I said it. I know, I’m a spoiled brat. I don’t code and I get this stuff for free through the joy of opensource development. I’d heard of e107 before, but discarded when I was hypnotized by the cute icons in the admin interface of Mambo (now Joomla).

And once you develop a site, it’s not easy to move stuff over to a new technology, unless you’ve got good reason to do so. And I’m starting to have those reasons for this site. But now, with Joomla:

  • Users can’t easily upload pictures
  • Attaching forum capabilities is just awkward
  • Most of the themes seem to take a lot of screen real estate
  • The components vs modules approach is just confusing
  • The admin interface is big, complex, all-over-the-place
  • Integration is tougher (Joomla) than having all avialable from the get go (e107)

For those reasons, and the fact I had some free time over the week-end, e107 is currently in test and I’m populating the Joomla data into it to show it to my client.

À propos de Jean-Francois

Je gère des entreprise Web, je suis photographe à mes heures et skipper de mon voilier lorsqu'en vacance!