Back to old school bookmarks… sorta…

What I’ve come to realize as I looked at various ways to manage my bookmarks across multiple systems is twofold: There is no application right now that would match my ideal deployment/runtime scenario I don’t need to overcomplicate things, given my usage patterns Let’s backtrack for a minute, so you can appreciate the evolution (or…

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Install WAS V6 in a single step

I’ve just hit this news release on the WebSphere Application support website (which by the way provides an RSS feed) : It is now possible to simply install and configure WebSphere® Application Server for multiple systems. Simplify installing GA code, refresh packs, fix packs and interim fixes, as well as creating/configuring artifacts and deploying applications.…

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Evernote successor is called… Lotus Notes

I’ve been trying to love Evernote. Really. I had it auto-start every time I booted. It sat there in my tray ready to be used, I installed the Firefox extension to send content to it automatically (that worked very well, btw) and I even used it as a DDE target for our telephony software, so…

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Got some more opensource ‘toys’ to play with

Since last week, I’ve decided to sample a few more apps to inhabit the domain. The everlasting quest for the perfect wiki may be coming to an end as I’ve taken a look at both phpwiki and pmwiki. phpWiki just took forever to unzip, with close to 10Mb of content, which seemed on the…

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WebSphere Products that are not in the WebSphere pillar

First, let me explain what’s a pillar. For anyone that’s delt with IBM, like any large organizations, we have different teams that handle different product sets. This allows us to become specialists over a smaller number of products, which in turn helps you get answers quicker when you call us for support. I’m part of…

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Simplify your daily life

Sometimes, you speak to people who want to change, but attack it from such a narrow angle that you wonder how it’s ever going to make a difference for them. I personally think that small changes have only a small impact. I don’t mind big changes, such as changing jobs, moving to a new city…

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EgoSurf – just had to try it

My colleague Luis Suarez blogged about one of those try it once kinda web apps, called EgoSurf. Essentially, once you plug your name and domain name (what, you don’t have one?!?), it will go out and search all the familiar sites we know (Google, Technorati,, etc) and assign a point value to each appearance…

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Disabling «Get Mail» button

I’ve got a nasty habit of pressing the Get Mail button when I’m pretty certain that there aren’t any. Why I do it is beyond me. Because Lotus Notes lets me schedule the replication of my mail and other databases on a 7-day basis anyway. And I have. And it’s set to replicate every 15…

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VCMU aka Videotron Cable Modem Usage

What do you know: an opensource software has been available for ages, it’s pertains to my cable provider and I only learn about it now! It’s referred to as VCMU and is a registered project in SourceForge. It really serves a very simple purpose: most of the plans on Videotron are limited in terms of…

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