Why am I still waiting?

For the last two days, as I try to launch Visio, I get this box telling me it wants to update my installation, and of course it fails, because at IBM, we install our software from an intranet website, and everything’s pre-packaged for us (which is good and bad, depending on how you look at…

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Firefox Search Plugin for Scuttle

After searching for a Firefox searchplugin (mycroft) for Scuttle, I decided to simply install one for del.icio.us and simply change the URL parameters to point to my install. Bingo. 1 minute of coding and I’m done (it was longer to find the .src file on my drive and restart Firefox). I then also created a…

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Tivoli CDP is here!

One of the trade magazines I get for free is eWeek. I consider this light reading, and as such, often read it weeks after it’s arrived home. Bu to my great surprise, one of the first article in the last edition was about Tivoli Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for Files. And a very positive review…

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.htaccess woes

I’ve been having the toughest time minimizing the number of errors on my website lately. Since I got rid of the Wiki, renamed my family blog’s directory and my gallery installation’s directory name, rerouting the incoming traffic has increased the # of errors in my weblogs. I’ve played with a number of .htaccess rules and…

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Reciprocity on my blog

For those of you who visit this blog through the web page (vs the RSS feeds), you may have noticed a new section in my sidebar called Reciprocity. I figured that if I appreciated being listed on someone else’s blogroll or getting comments on my own blog, then it’s only fair I return the favor.…

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My WordPress plugins – as little as possible

In line with my philosophy of less is more, here are the plugins I’ve deployed on my WordPress installation: Del.icio.us plugin: This now links to my scuttle installation, for all my web links. You can see this is my sidebar, under Bookmarks Jerome’s Keywords: This not only adds Technorati tags to my posts, but suggests…

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Google Pack : I don’t need most of this stuff anyway

Well, Google finally started putting those corporate affiliations with a bundling that includes the Firefox browser, Norton Anti-Virus, Ad-Aware spyware removal tool and the Adobe Reader. I don’t like that list, except for Firefox. Frankly, since I mostly removed Google from my life, the only thing is that list I could possibly want is Picasa…

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New Year Resolutions

For New Year’s resolutions, like anything else, if you can’t track your progress, how can you tell once you’ve succeeded? I thought it would be nice to have some record of how good I was in honoring my commitments (no I won’t tell what they are…) and figured the only way this was gonna fly…

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New Plugin for RSS Bandit to Scuttle

I’ve been a fan of RSS Bandit for a while, one reason being their ability to consume plugins created to the iBlog specification. Basically, a plugin adds contextual actions when you right-click a blog post in RSS Bandit. I’m currently using a wBloggar plugin that can send any post I’m reading to a new entry,…

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